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엔지니어기반 전산시스템을 적용한 철근콘크리트 기존건축물의 내진성능평가

엔지니어기반 전산시스템을 적용한 철근콘크리트 기존 건축물의 내진성능평가  

한국지진공학회 논문집 제21권 제2호 (통권 제115호) 2017년 3월

저자: 황선우 ・ 김동연 ・ 김태진 ・ 김경태


Nonlinear analysis for seismic performance evaluation of existing building usually takes 4~5 times more than linear analysis based on KBC code. To obtain accurate results from the nonlinear analysis, there are a lot of things to be considered  for nonlinear analysis modeling. For example, reinforcing layout, applied load and seismic details affect behavior of structural members for the existing building.   Engineer-based computerized system was developed for engineers to evaluate effective seismic performance of existing buildings  with abiding by seismic design principles. Using the engineer-based program, seismic performance evaluation of reinforced concrete building was performed. Nonlinear hinge properties were applied with real time multiple consideration such as section layout, section analysis result, applied load and performance levels.  As a result, the building was evaluated to satisfy LS(Life Safety) performance level. A comparison between engineer-based and program-based results is presented to show how important the role of  structural engineer is or seismic performance evaluation of existing buildings.  

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